Congratulations to the 2024 AG Artist’s: Anna Desfor, McKenna Blenk, William Brown, Jade Hails, Luke Helker, Michael Jones, Carmen Maldonado, and Malcolm Taylor
Application submission deadline is now closed. At this time, it is not known if or when the Arcata Gathering will happen in the future.
2024’s theme is “Music and Land: Telling our Stories.”
Musicians from underrepresented communities are especially encouraged to apply, and all Gatherings will create an environment that welcomes diverse musical practices and personal histories. Applicants should include:
1) A personal statement of no more than 500 words, describing their practice and outlining what is most important to them in their ongoing development.
2) A small list of solo works for possible inclusion on the evening concerts. We welcome audition materials on any and all percussion instruments.
3) 2-3 work samples of recent work, preferably on video (with link). We welcome audition materials on any and all percussion instruments.
Since the program will be limited to only 8 participants, the first 30 people to apply will be given first consideration. Additional applications will reviewed if space remains available.
Once chosen, we will ask the Fellows to pay a $150 administrative fee, refundable when the Fellow arrives in Arcata. Additionally, Marimba One has generously offered a $500 stipend for each Fellow to help with transportation to and from Arcata.